Warnings & Balas diet

Warning 1

All the information provided here are based on the comprehensive knowledge from science and experience, considering safety and toxicity by providing you the possible do’s and don’ts with limits that can be verified by one or many specific word searches on websites.

The information provided here is the best possible guidance for the population who think type 2 diabetes is very difficult to manage and control, by providing efficient, cost effective, readily available food along with minimum supplements to attain the target. In these guide lines, not all the causes for the illness and benefits of the diet are discussed for simplicity. You will get the rest of the benefits anyway.

Also given information are the related basics, to understand the cause and effect of diabetes and to understand what to avoid and what to consider.

Some of the terms will repeat more than once to emphasis on some subject matter to teach you so that it will remain in your memory.

Please note that the scientific information provided is only to understand and guide you to achieve the target and may not be the in-depth science.

However, anyone who is looking for an alternate can find the information on the website by typing individually each time word plus benefits, side effects, risks, toxicity, maximum dosage, contraindications, medical conditions, health concerns and who should not take.
People with any kind of medical conditions, consult with your doctor. Women should consider these guidelines by taking in to account of their additional factors like hormonal changes and age etc.

These guidelines are provided mainly for people who have high blood glucose that is for type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance but not for people with type 1 diabetes.

Also, will be equally effective for the people, looking for fat loss, who are non-diabetic normal to get lean body mass.

Warning 2

Who should not follow?

People with type 1 diabetes, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, anyone with a chronic disease, the elderly, people with any kind of cancer and children. Any other person, who is advised by the doctor not to restrict calories or not to do exercise.

Warning 3

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any of your negative health consequences. You should decide whether to follow these guide lines or not and you are at your own risk. Not liable for any damage money/health claims.
These are only guide lines to follow.
In fact, I will make counter claims on you, many times that of yours from you for ignoring my warnings.


Sit with your doctor and discuss with him about your plan regarding your medications, diet, calories restrictions (CR), exercise, protein and supplements intake. This can vary too much with individuals.

Balas diet

Balas diet is a calories restricted, low food insulin index/ load based, supplements assisted, healthy, balanced diet to improve overall metabolism of the body primarily to control and reverse type 2 diabetes.

It means you will be restricted in certain type of foods that is, some carbohydrates and proteins that demand more insulin usage, thereby reducing the secretion of insulin by pancreas and reducing the load on the beta cells to recover its full potential.

You will be taking minimum supplements along with your meal to strengthen your cell functions, nerves and to reduce inflammation.